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2012 Audi A3 review - What Car?

2012 Audi A3 review - What Car?

Read the full What Car? Audi A3 review bit.ly The Audi A3 will be replaced later this year, but it is still a desirable, high-quality car and its strong resale values reflect this. It handles well and there are some fine engines available. Prices are high and entry-level models have rather meagre kit. The smallest engines are short of power and refinement, and S line versions have a fidgety ride. It's not easy to justify the Audi A3 high prices when a Volkswagen Golf with the same engine costs a lot less, but few rivals can match the A3 for cabin quality, desirability and resale values. It's a fine all-rounder.
Vrijdagavond 11 mei Preview van de nieuwe Audi A3 in onze showroom te Purmerend. De introductie van de Audi A3 zal in september 2012 plaats…

Approx 100 A3's published annually at Toro #apqckm

A3: Speak up. Interns can feel overwhelmed w/ pros. However, input is an opp to learn, show interest, & just may be great #happo

@AudiAirport a friend of mine is having trouble with her A3 Sportback. Gearbox apparently needs replacing! Give her a 2nd opinion?

@55late あるあるすぎてなんも言えねえwwwてかA3が6枚って!(゚o゚;; 絶対45分じゃ終わらないでしょwwwww

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