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8 yr old Rhema sings Hallelujah..heart stopping..she gets into it at 2:17 secs. - share
Plz Share - Rhema Marvanne 8 year old Gospel singer. Sings Hallelujah that will touch your heart. You can hear God speaking through her spirit. Plz make sure to share to spead God's words. www.RhemaMarvanne.com May God bless you and your family.

Philippine Idol: VoltesV (Japanese) Jhonalene Sison audition
My bet this gal will be in the top 12 if she plays her cards right maybe even winning the contest. Very good range of voice so far. See Original Japanese Here: youtube.com youtube.com

Fuyumi Soryo // Boyfriend OVA - End [ボーイフレンド ED]
【惣領冬実 原作】 ボーイフレンド ED 【小学館漫画賞】 OVA (Original Video Animation) dal manga omonimo di Fuyumi Souryo: scena finale più sigla di chiusura. Originale giapponese dall'OVA del 1992 Ending song: 手の中の星座 [Constellation in Hand] by Nao Nakadai -------------------------------- Fonte: g2labo.orz.hm -------------------------------- Caricato per il forum: Mars *Fuyumi Souryo* marsfuyumisouryo.forumfree.it ---------------------- oooo OO oooo ---------------------- OVA from the Fuyumi Souryo's manga last scene and ending credits Original japanese scene from the 1992 OVA Ending song: 手の中の星座 [Constellation in Hand] by Nao Nakadai -------------------------------- Source: g2labo.orz.hm -------------------------------- Upped for the italian forum: Mars *Fuyumi Souryo* marsfuyumisouryo.forumfree.it