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Calling you (Classical Guitar Solo) コーリング・ユー 「バグダッドカフェ」より
"Calling you" composed by : Bob telson arranged by : Masatoshi Taruishi Collection of guitar pieces for a beginner and middle-class persons. Masatoshi Taruishi guitar : Kazuo Sato tuning : Normal from Book with CD "My Classic Guitar2" (2011) www.rittor-music.co.jp Amazon.jp www.amazon.co.jp コーリング・ユー 映画「バグダッド・カフェ」より 作曲:ボブ・テルソンアレンジ:垂石雅俊収録作:『弾きたい曲からはじめる!私のクラシックギター2 映画音楽編』 www.rittor-music.co.jp
The Misfits-Devilock(Lyrics)
So make this demon offering Best demon offering Curious about the eye of death, oh Gonna make it public Gonna make you pay Gonna rip your skull out Eye of death, I know Devilock, you rip your heart, I have 'em Devilock, I rip your eyes out of hell Hell is pumping something Into lots of people Curious about the eye of death, oh Gonna make it public Gonna make you pay Gonna rip your skull out Eyes of death, I have them Devilock, you rip your heart, I have 'em Devilock, I rip your heart out of hell Oh Devilock, I rip your heart out, I have 'em Devilock, I pluck your eyes out, I have 'em Devilock, I rip your heart out of hell Go, go, go, go, go
Ep 1.1 - FLY GUYS present "The 'F' Word"
Season 1, Episode 1: "I Miss My Money" The Fly Guys send a personal message to "Penny Nickel Dime" haters comparing them to New Boyz AND work together to create a new, recession-themed single. Created & Directed by Issa Rae (issarae.com)