"Paranormal Activity" - Official Trailer [HQ HD]

"Paranormal Activity" - Official Trailer [HQ HD]

if you can't see zombie movies, don't watch this trailer: www.youtube.com Ok, this is the hottest new 'Blair Witch Project' -esque movie. We are alone at home and weird freaky things are happening. Do you believe? Coming to theaters on September 25, 2009. Starring: Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat, Mark Fredrichs, Amber Armstrong, Ashley Palmer After a young, middle class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban starter tract house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be somehow demonic but is certainly most active in the middle of the night. Especially when they sleep. Or try to.
@chikuwabu_1012 じゃあ、近くなったら日程調整しましょう。どうせならビアガーデン→朝までカラオケ→死とかいう池袋的アクティビティを期待したいところ。


@psyqlonytor インターナショナルでアヴァンギャルドなアトモスフェアのなかアーテスティックなアクティビティが行なわれるというのが理想図やけど実情は某2回生によるPerfumeとエヴァ談義です。

@06421 新感覚アクティビティ

@My_me10dy まじでもう決めてんの??ホンマ計画的~!!!☆えりちゃんとけんけんはアクティビティやりまくりやろな~!!海も山も空も!!!遊びまくれるよ☆

@yasio_ アクティビティo(≧∇≦o≧∇≦)oにゃいにゃい♪

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