Devin the Dude Almighty Dollar

Devin the Dude Almighty Dollar

Another hit off his new Album
@ClaveauB you forgot AIDS denier and recipient of messages from both the almighty and His backup Messiah :-)

#IslamMadeMeRealise that we can always repent, The Almighty is merciful.

#IslamMadeMeRealise That we owe everything to the almighty. This universe and all it's glory is his creation and his alone

RT @LOVEMMYY: Sending out a prayer to Jesus Almighty that @taylorrgang1 's car doesn't break down on the way here.

RT @dmoreiraaaa_: I saw that hoe walking looking too trif. Tracks showing clothes dirty but have the nerves to talk about outset people BASIC bitch!

Cock»the almighty device used to get a lady pregnant...

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