The Bat: Vincent Price, Agnes Moorehead, Darla Hood (1959 Movie)

The Bat: Vincent Price, Agnes Moorehead, Darla Hood (1959 Movie)

DVD: The Bat (1959) is a mystery film directed by Crane Wilbur, and starring Vincent Price and Agnes Moorehead. Its tagline was "When it flies, someone dies!" The film was based on the 1920 Broadway play by Avery Hopwood and Mary Roberts Rinehart, which was previously filmed as The Bat (1926) and as The Bat Whispers (1930), both directed by Roland West. The 1959 version also features Darla Hood of The Little Rascals in her final film appearance. The eerie title theme of Louis Forbes' final film score was played by Alvino Rey. Cornelia Van Gorder (Agnes Moorehead) is a mystery author who lives in a town terrorized by a mysterious murderer known only as "The Bat". The Bat is said to be a man with no face who murders women at night by ripping out their throats with steel claws. Early in the film, The Bat enters Van Gorder's house and releases a bat, which bites van Gorder's maid Lizzy (Lenita Lane). With Lizzy in a panic, fearing she may now have contracted "the rabies", an outbreak of which local papers have reported. Van Gorder calls her doctor, Dr Malcolm Wells (Vincent Price), who is conducting research on bats. Meanwhile, the whole town is searching for a million-dollar stash of looted bank securities that were recently stolen. Dr. Wells discovers the location of the treasure when the thief confides in him. Wells then murders the thief in cold blood, presumedly so that he can take the treasure for himself, which he believes to be hidden ...
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