I'll Be - Edwin McCain Lyrics

I'll Be - Edwin McCain Lyrics

lyrics to the song I'll Be by Edwin McCain
My bf is offering to buy me new clothes and im saying no.. i must be ill or something

"@_FUCKURTWEET_: I don't want to go to class " skip class, ill skip work

Lol @TheeCommodity lookin all sexy and shit shooot ill hit that lol lmao

RT @ariannas__: if you publicly share that you're "on the verge of suicide" but not tell anyone why, ill push you off the cliff before you can jump #welcome

@gracewelsh oh yeah, she always used to go oh I love looking at my tan compared to yours cause I know how dark ill be compared to the uk!

@_KingsKid @cre8ted2wrship guess ill go heat up my hot pocket and my pasta tv dinner *runs out of office*

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