[PR] この広告は3ヶ月以上更新がないため表示されています。

Sigur Ros / Svefn-G-Englar

Sigur Ros / Svefn-G-Englar

This unforgettable and award-winning video from Iceland, conceived by and supervised by the musical group, Sigur Ros and the filmmaker, Agust Jacobsson, features the Perlan special-needs theatre group acting out a simple but beautiful play about the elements. Foradditional information about this film please visit its details page:www.gosprout.org This unique music video is part of the Sprout Touring Film Festival (showcasing films related to the field of developmental disabilities). Click the following link to see a complete listing of all the films available through this festival: stff.gosprout.org
そういえば今年のサマソニってSIGUR RO'SとかPASSION PITあとNEW ORDER来るんだったな。

Listening to Sigur Ro's while developing an #M&E framework for an #adaptation activity = surreal and spooky

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