コミPo!の無料体験版をいじってみたが、4コマ漫画のあらすじを考えるのがここまで難しいとは思わなかった。 とりあえず形にはしたものの、これがどうなのか自分でもよくわからない。 わかったことは、行きつけのラーメン屋で植田まさしの4コマ漫画本の2周目に突入していたにもかかわらず、何も身についていなかったという事実だ。 henteko.net ブログhenteko.net ニコニコ動画www.nicovideo.jp

007 Casino Royale Opening
The opening to the 007 movie Casino Royale. There weren't really any good quality ones out there, so I decided to make my own. Song is "You Know My Name" by Chris Cornell

Lee Seung Chul - No One Else (Sad Story Than Sadness OST)
Lee Seung Chul - No One Else (Sad Story Than Sadness OST).

ゼノビア勢を一人も入れずアンキセスやディオも殺して後半でビスク、カース等を仲間に入れる、いわゆる裏オーガです。 これは従来の最終面のあとに本来仲間になるはずのゼノビア勢と戦うボーナス面の模様です。 ちなみにカオスフレーム0ポイント(笑)

Good Bye YouTube
For now..... I'll upload every so often but i'll come back... PROMISE! Thanks so much, and don't forget to check me out on the links below! MAIN CHANNEL www.youtube.com PERSONAL CHANNEL www.youtube.com MUSIC CHANNEL www.youtube.com GAME CHANNEL www.youtube.com FACEBOOK www.facebook.com TWITTER www.twitter.com Please share with all your friends, it really helps a lot =) thank you and welcome to the channel :) SPECIAL NOTE: It's been great! But every person needs a break. My year on YouTube will be May 2012 and I plan to come back on that month. I'll see everyone May 1, 2012. Thanks for the laughs and the fun times. Add me on Facebook and Twitter and we can still hang out. I'm sorry for those who don't want to see me go, but I will return in May with new videos, and more fun. April 1, anonymous isn't taking me down. Don't believe that ;) Hugs, Kisses, Loves, Miss you all. Megan Lee Heart