ぷるるん温泉 未公開映像 ~G9と疑似混浴 その2~【ギルガメ公式】
人気コーナー「ぷるるん温泉」から未公開映像が届きました! 好評のため第2弾! G9(仮)メンバーとの疑似混浴をお楽しみください【ギルガメッシュLIGHT】 BSジャパンにて毎週金曜夜11時放送中www.bs-j.co.jp

President Obama and Jay Leno at White House Correspondents Dinner
thefilmarchive.org May 1, 2010 Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, has elicited a number of public perceptions regarding his personality and background. As the first African-American President of the United States, his race and culture have played a prominent role in this, both positively and negatively. His relative youth (47 when elected) has alternately resulted in his being praised for his freshness and criticized for his inexperience. His temperament and demeanor have drawn praise for his perceived unflappability and criticism for the perception of his lacking emotional attachment. The West Wing writer and producer Eli Attie based the character of Matt Santos (portrayed by Jimmy Smits) on Obama. At the time the politician was only a state senator. Obama later met Smits.[95] Will Smith expressed interest in portraying Obama in a film, citing his physical resemblance -- particularly their ears -- to the President,[96] something with which Obama concurred while discussing the possibility with Smith.[97] A musical comedy about Obama's presidential campaign, Obama on My Mind, opened in London in 2009.[98] Actor Christopher B. Duncan portrayed Obama in 2008 on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and also portrayed Obama in the 2010 Bollywood film My Name is Khan.[99][100] Reggie Brown portrayed Obama on "Hannah Montana to the Principal's Office" of season 4 of "Hannah Montana". Obama has also been depicted on the "Harder, Better, Faster, Browner" episode of ...

Doobie Brothers - Takin' It To The Streets (High Quality)
The Doobie Brothers, Rockin' Down The Highway Show Live. with Michael McDonald. Excellent performance of "Takin' It To The Streets"! From 1996. Black Water: www.youtube.com

【日本の駅弁】 ヒモを引くだけでホカホカに! 網焼き牛たん弁当
ご当地のグルメがギュっとつまった駅弁は旅行を楽しくしてくれるスーパーアイテムだ。 だが、駅弁にもひとつ弱点がある......冷たいのである。 だが東北エリアで販売されている「網焼き牛たん弁当」は、その弱点を克服したぞ! ヒモを引くだけで、ヌクヌクうまうまな弁当が出来上がるのだ! 詳細はこちら ⇒ rocketnews24.com

政府、レスリング女子・吉田 沙保里選手に国民栄誉賞贈る方針(12/10/05)
政府は、レスリング女子で、オリンピックと世界選手権あわせて13連覇を果たした吉田 沙保里選手(30)に、国民栄誉賞を贈る方針を固めた。 www.fnn-news.com