FIESTAR(피에스타) _ Vista MV
English subtitles are available. Click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function. :) Let's FIESTAR! The new girl group FIESTAR finally making their debut. FIESTAR received much attention from fans for being the first girl group of Loen Entertainment, home to Korea's top female artists including IU, Gain, SunnyHill, and Zia. As a combination of "Fiesta" and "Star", the name of the group "FIESTA" contains their determination to be a K-pop "STAR" that delivers passion and enjoyment to the public with music that is fun and full of energy just like the Spanish word for festival "FIESTA". The debut song "VISTA", announcing FIESTAR's beginning is a song that expresses their dynamic and active identity, enrapturing listeners with its original and magnificent sounds resembling a musical. Moreover, FIESTAR's version of "Sea of Moonlight" -- the title song of the summer project album of Loen Entertainment's creative label "LOEN TREE" -- is included as yet another gift for fans. ▶ LOENMUSIC FB : www.facebook.com ▶ LOENMUSIC TW : twitter.com FIESTAR (フィエスター) _ Vista MV Let's FIESTAR!新人ガールズグループFIESTARがいよいよデビュー。 FIESTARは、アイユ、カイン、サニーヒル、ジアなど国内最高の女性アーティストたちが所属しているロエン・エンターテイメントが初めて披露するガールズグループで、そのデビューニューズだけで音楽ファンたちの期待を一身に受けた。グループ名'FIESTAR'は'FIESA'と'STAR'の複合語で、'お祭り'を意味するスペイン語'FIESTA'のように、常に楽しくて ...

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マック ハッピーセット 2000年 マクドナルド オリンピック ドナルド PART1 Mac happy set 2000 McDonald's Olympics Donald PART1

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風のガーデン/ノクターン Nocturne No.20 (posth.) arranged for Japanese TV series
A Japanese singer, Ayaka Hirahara sings this tune, originally composed by F. Chopin, in the TV series "Kaze no Garden (Garden of Winds)". I have further arranged it to adopt 39-strings lyre.