ketsumeishi - tomodachi
As you know, this is NOT OFFICIAL video, but I just made it by attaching lovely pics, such as night views of Tokyo and Yokohama, and the sunset. Tomodachi means "Friends" in English . This one is a representative song for tomodachi in Japan. Thank you for commenting on this clip and adding on your channel as a favorite one.

山梨鐐平の世界 - 山梨鐐平 (Ryohei Yamanashi, COME TRUE RECORDS)
iTunes Store▶bit.ly Playlist Radio▶bit.ly 決して色褪せない、繊細で優雅なメロディ。三十余年にわたり発表してきた名曲の中から厳選し、新録したベスト盤, ♬ポーのワルツ/夢で逢いましょう/BYBLOS/風に向かう者へ/エミールの庭/Ritz Hotel/ブルーリボン/ヴェネツィア/Café Mandolino/夢の背中/la festa/黄昏には・・・/五月のリラにも/鳥になった日/小さなエトワール/フェラーリ 308GTB (new recording version)