Unchain My Heart 8/21
『Unchain My Heart』 Directed by Masahiko Akuta, Written by Ryousuke Kanou, Music by Keiji Haino, Produced & Performed by Yuhkiza, 1999.12.25.. Video by Soy Nobuki
PSP『遥かなる時空の中で5』公式サイトHP: www.gamecity.ne.jp 発売日:2011年2月24日(木) 機種:PSP 舞台:幕末Cast 【白龍の神子】蓮水ゆき:高橋美佳子【天の青龍】桐生瞬:寺島拓篤【地の青龍】坂本龍馬:鈴村健一【天の朱雀】チナミ:阿部敦【地の朱雀】沖田総司:岡本信彦【天の白虎】小松帯刀:立花慎之介【地の白虎】福地桜智:竹本英史【天の玄武】アーネスト・サトウ:四反田マイケル【地の玄武】高杉晋作:安元洋貴【黒龍の神子】八雲都:斎賀みつき【桐生瞬の弟】桐生崇:下野紘【?】天海:諏訪部順一【東天を守護する聖獣】青龍:関智一【南天を守護する聖獣】朱雀:高橋直純【西天を守護する聖獣】白虎:井上和彦【北天を守護する聖獣】玄武:保志総一郎
Wolfenstein 2009 Gameplay (PC HD)
Wolfenstein 2009 Gameplay (PC HD) Wolfenstein is a science fiction first-person shooter video game co-developed by Raven Software, id Software, Pi Studios and Endrant Studios and published by Activision. It is the sequel to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and uses the id Tech 4 engine. The game was released in North America on August 18, Australia on August 19 and Europe on August 21, in 2009. Wolfenstein is a story driven first-person shooter. The story is told through cutscenes, scripted events, telegraph messages, and intelligence that the player finds scattered throughout the game. The game involves the main character, BJ Blazkowicz, going to a fictional German town called Isenstadt, which serves as "hub" for the player throughout the game. Isenstadt is where the player can get missions from two different groups, or upgrade their weapons and powers at the Black Market. deluxe-tools.net