A Raft Of Penguins

A Raft Of Penguins

A Raft Of Penguins - - Ian Anderson Vocals, flute, piccolo, wooden flute, acoustic guitars - Leslie Mandoki Drums, and percussion - Laszlo Bencker Keyboards - The Sturcz String Quartet "Having worked, over these many years, with various orchestral forces from solo woodwind players through string quartets to the more-or-less symphony orchestra, I remain entranced at the differences and misconceptions present in the mutual understanding or lack thereof in such gatherings of minds and music. Who is the more terrified in such encounters? Me or them? I play a bit out of tune, out of time and read not a not a note of those Dead Sea Scrolls written so carefully upon the stave of life. But when the wind gets up and the music stand blows over, I can busk it with the best of them. Its all in the head, you see. And in the heart. And that improvisational adventure is a mystery to many a first fiddler and his tribe. Here is an affectionate musing on the scary delights of fronting an orchestra in the face of a paying public. Funny old birds, penguins" - Ian Anderson
@karentsierra I'm sorry those 2 are nasty, bitches need to get back on that raft! I hope @joannakrupa tears into her ugly ass! can't wait

RT @Liya_SKIPyou: RT @Liya_SKIPyou: If he still on that rift raft then ima have to swerve

should start science: RAFT now #schoolproblems

"Ok, I've got something to use for the raft...a Zune case!" "Traveling in style." #notesfromthegamingtable

I want a guy like Derek in Greys anatomy..

The raft of Demiya<<<<<

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