"Ombra mai fù" Maki Mori 歌劇「「セルセ」から「オンブラ・マイ・フ」森麻季
"Ombra mai fù" Georg Friedrich Händel song by Maki Mori 歌劇「「セルセ」から「オンブラ・マイ・フ」 森麻季

Order & Chaos Online - PVP Update Trailer - iPhone & iPad
After the 1st-anniversary celebrations, discover for the biggest update EVER to Order & Chaos, now here with a resounding battle cry! Edouard Vitroly, Brand Manager explains the content of the PVP update. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Mounts, dungeon, tons of new quests, items and more. Happy adventuring! Visit our official site at www.gameloft.com Follow us on Twitter at http or like us on Facebook at facebook.com to get more info about all our upcoming titles. Check out our videos and game trailers on www.youtube.com Discover our blog at glft.co for the inside scoop on everything Gameloft.

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