ウクライナ美女が"千と千尋~"主題歌を熱唱 Nataliya Gudziy sings "Spirited Away"

ウクライナ美女が"千と千尋~"主題歌を熱唱 Nataliya Gudziy sings "Spirited Away"

2008.08.06 歌は5:28 から 5m28s Song "Always With Me" from movie "Spirited Away" こちらもSee also www.youtube.com ナターシャ・グジーさんが演奏しているのはバンドゥーラというウクライナの楽器です。 作詞の覚さん→ www.1101.com 木村弓が歌う「いつも何度でも」 Original song "Always With Me (Theme Song of Spirited Away)" by Yumi Kimura www.youtube.com Nataliya Gudziy is a Singer & Bandura Player from Ukraine.Now,she stays & sings in Japan. User "jpfrlinguaphile" give us translation of Nataliya's talk.Please see also comment of "Saigon256".Thank you for your great contribution, jpfrlinguaphile & Saigon256!! Translation: Over 60 years ago on this day, August 6 a tragedy occurred in Hiroshima. Like the tragedy that occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the tragedy which struck in Chernobyl over 20 years ago is still not over. The nuclear power plant at Chernobyl experienced a meltdown 22 years ago. I was 6 years old at the time. Since my father worked at the plant, all of us family lived a mere 3.5 km from the plant. The accident happened in the middle of the night so most people were unaware that anything serious had occurred. For that reason, life went on as normal the following day. Children went to school and mothers took their young children out to play outside the whole day. As a result, they were exposed all day to invisible radiation. We werent informed of the accident until the next day. We were told not to worry as it was not a serious accident, but that to be on the safe ...

会いたいなあ。。。愛のトンネル行きたいな♪( ´▽`)ウクライナ!


エセ日本盤でのドラゴンランドとか、スパニッシュメタル、ロシア、ウクライナの段々辺境なものになっていって、Arkona ALMORAにも行くでしょ。だから、ニューメタルやモダン・ヘヴィネス、コンヴァージやスリップノットに行く余力がなかったw

RT @Ani2525: RT @Ani2525: ウクライナでは年間1mSv以上の汚染地で、25年の時間をかけて、9割の若者たちが使い物にならない複数の不調をかかえた体に。広島が復興できたのはずっとずっと汚染されてなかったから。それでも入市被爆は存在。東日本の汚染地では15年で9割の若者に不調が ...

@414ay モスクワとウクライナ間違えるとかどんだけ〜笑笑

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