The King And I Trailer [HD]
In Theaters: 29 June 1956 (USA) Mrs. Anna Leonowens and her son Louis arrive in Bangkok, where she has contracted to teach English to the children of the royal household. She threatens to leave when the house she had been promised is not available, but falls in love with the children. A new slave, a gift of a vassal king, translates "Uncle Tom's Cabin" into a Siamese ballet, expressing her unhappiness at being with the King. She attempts to escape with her lover. Anna and the King fall in love, but her British upbringing inhibits her from joining his harem. She is just about to leave Siam when she hears of the King's imminent death, and returns to help his son, her favorite pupil, rule his people. Genre:Crime | Drama Director:Andrew Piddington Cast:Jonas Ball, Joe Abbate, Gail Kay Bell, J. Francis Curley, Nicole Delorey

銀の太田ら喜び語る フェンシング男子団体
フェンシングの男子フルーレ団体で初の表彰台となる銀メダルを獲得した太田雄貴(森永製菓)ら日本のメンバー4人が6日、ロンドン市内のジャパンハウスで記者会見した。 記事詳細www.47news.jp

石原裕次郎・青春譜no36 / 愛している.