Jimmy Page's 20 Greatest Led Zeppelin Guitar Solos
Evidently this video is back online after a year of being down due to a copyright claim. A pleasant surprise, I guess. ---New video up: check it out--- I couldn't put the solos in any order from best to worst, so I put them in album order. Like I said at the end, Page has too many good solos to put in just one video. I now have the track listing and a few comments to go along with it, for those who are interested. 8/18- 10000 views. 12/9- 100000 views. 12/22- 150k 1/25- 200k ---- Vote for the best Jimmy Page solo at: www.freewebs.com/ledzeppelinworshipers ---Track Listing--- Led Zeppelin I: Good Times Bad Times Dazed and Confused Communication Breakdown I Can't Quit You Baby Note(s): You Shook Me and How Many More Times were not included because they sound just like Dazed and Confused, but uh, I don't like them as much as Dazed and Confused. Led Zeppelin II: Whole Lotta Love The Lemon Song Heartbreaker Note(s): Thank You and What is and What Should Never Be were tough choices, but I didn't put them in. Led Zeppelin III: Since I've Been Loving You Note(s): If there were an order, Since I've Been Loving You would probably be tied with Stairway, in my opinion. Celebration day is a great song, but the solo isn't really even long enough to have put in. Led Zeppelin IV: Black Dog Rock and Roll Stairway to Heaven Note(s): Houses of the Holy: The Song Remains the Same Note(s): People say No Quarter should have been in alot, so I guess it should have. I didn't really even think of ...

(CM) オリバーソース 「アドバイザリースタッフ編」 原哲男 (1991)

小室 みつ子~Winter Comes Around 冬の一日(self -cover)
私の好きな音楽 No.27 すみません。 再び小室みつ子さんです・・・。 TM network 「CAROL」の中の「Winter Comes Around 冬の一日」のセルフカバーです、比較的このアルバムで「Still Love Her~失われた風景」(アニソンにもなりました)を一押しする方も多いと思いますが私はどちらかというこの曲が好きで勝手に隠れた名曲にしています、今回はオリジナルではなく小室みつ子Verで聞いてください。