Martin Solveig & Dragonette - Hello (3FM Serious Request) [HD]
Join us on Facebook: on.fb.me Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Join us on G+ : gplus.to Unofficial anthem of this years' 3FM Serious Request!

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Ricky
Music video by "Weird Al" Yankovic performing Ricky. (C) 1983 Volcano Entertainment lll, LLC

もりもとはやくかえってこいよ OVER?Morimoto hurry and come back OVER?
What the members think about JUMP and Ryutaro. メンバーがJUMPと龍太郎の事どう思ってるかWhy we need Ryutaro. 何で龍太郎が必要なのかIn English and Japanese 日本語と英語で