Close up video of the loss of P-51 Big Beautiful Doll at Flying Legends 2011
The unfortunate loss of surely the most superbly painted Mustang 'Big Beautiful Doll'. The former owner, Rob Davies's recovery and subsequent fast taking to the chute at only 500 feet has to be marvelled at. The pilot of the French Skyraider owned by Amicale Jean Baptiste Salis regained control after an uncontrolled roll and landed with a few feet missing from the starboard wing. This video is copyright David Taylor. Any interested media organisations, contact details on my website www.flyingfilm.co.uk

一迅社から発売中の月刊誌【Comic REX】にて絶賛連載中の【学園天国パラドキシア】を演じてみました!! ...とか浮かれてたら巷で「最終回フラグが立ったらしい」などと聞き茫然自失中。 これが【学パラ】最後の投稿にならぬよう、祈るばかりでございます。 ところどころ練司くんや凛ちゃんや一成や七緒がいなくてすみません。 ◆練司くん:自由男さん* フォント【ほにゃ。/ほにゃ字】 honya.nyanta.jp * BGM 【nerve(雑音空間)】 * SE 【ザ・マッチメイカァズ】【効果音源】

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