アニメ 銀河旋風ブライガー 第07話 「金星監獄大突破」

アニメ 銀河旋風ブライガー 第07話 「金星監獄大突破」

Galaxy Cyclone Braiger (銀河旋風ブライガー Ginga Senpū Buraigā?) is an anime series aired from 1981 to 1982 in Japan. There were 39 episodes aired. Original Story: In the year 2111, the solar system has been colonized with various criminal organizations running amok. Kahmen Khamen wants to destroy the planet Jupiter in order to create a new star and change the solar system using these organizations. Team J9 is assembled with Isaac Godonov, Blaster Kid, Steven Bowie, and Angel Omachi fighting Khamen Khamen and the underworld scourge. With the robot Braiger, they are a mercenary team that will handle any missions the police will not in the asteroid belt. Meanwhile, Earth has been divided into four power blocs: Omega, Red Dragon, Volga and Nubia. Nubia hatches a plan to rule the solar system in which Jupiter is destroyed, leading to the creation of over 30 smaller planets that could sustain life. However, such a plan would lead to the destruction of Earth. Mechanics: Braiger is primarily a flying car referred to in the series as Brai-Thunder that can activate synchron energy to grow in size for up to twenty four hours by transporting matter from another universe onto itself. Upon doing this the Brai-Thunder can transform into its shuttle form, Brai-Star. If needed the synchron energy can be charged up to maximum capacity, allowing the Brai-Star to transform into Braiger. Height: 32.4 meters Weight: 315 tons Power Source: Plasma Engine Flight Speed: Mach 5 in Earth's ...
それではLiaさんのリクエストで「銀河旋風ブライガー」「冒険者たちのバラード」「ドンデラ音頭 調子出てますか」3曲続けてお聞き下さい。 #今日は一日アニソン三昧

【タイピング】アニメ『銀河旋風ブライガー』に変形する、J9チームのスーパーカーは○○○○○○○? 【答】ブライサンダー


@siora_ おはよーございます。バイファム!なつかし~。私も見てました。ブライガーはテレビ東京系列だったので放送してなかった地域もあったみたいです。

@siora_ ルンルンのOPからいろいろなアニメOPに流れてうはうはしてしまいました(^^;) ブライガーのOPやっぱりかっこいいなー。

@chikata_0048 ブライガー知ってます!

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