FACEBOOK www.facebook.com 2012/10/13 Ena showed a sum drum by the event that a firefighting team sponsored at a shopping center. She shows the harmony drum that she learned many times in a nursery school this year. This event was carried out as an appeal of the prevention of fire of the firefighting team.

English lyrics:If you become obsessed with an idea, the way to go to trial, a man with guts. King Signs glowing. Giant stars to hang up, blood sweat. Tears movement. Go flying stallion go, go boldly.歌詞:如果您想要强烈,坚持说,磨难,一名男子与胆量。国王的迹象,焕发出。巨星挂断,血压汗水。眼泪运动。走,走,飞行马的,强有力的和路要走

SNES Super R-Type
When the SNES came out, one of the launch titles that immediately got my attention was R-Type. But not just R-Type, it was a Super R-Type! A remake/remix of the original arcade version, with loads of extras, exclusive to the Super Nintendo. Even if I had played the Arcade and amiga versions, when I got this one, it stayed in the SNES cartridge slot for a long, long time. This is me having some nostalgic fun on levels 1 and 2.