The Joker Blogs - Therapy Begins (1)
www.facebook.com The following recordings are for the expressed purpose of medical research and is the sole ownership of Gotham City's Arkham Asylum Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program staff and facilities. Doctor H. Quinzel is currently responsible for the video sessions for Patient #4479 and are intended for her viewing and the hospital team's viewing only.

言うのを忘れておったが、イベントシーンほぼカットだったさww 無駄に経験値稼ごうと言う魂胆が丸見えなうp主のプレイ/(^O^)\ よく聞くとニーナの声って可愛い。

山と川のある町 雪村いづみ izumi yukimura 1956年
izumi yukimura 50~60's Japan's Razzmatazz Singer 石坂洋次郎原作映画「山と川のある町」主題歌。別テイクあり。このテイクが初期と思われます。