全盛期の中村紀洋 オールスターで特大ホームラン
2001年7月21日オールスター第1戦、入来から福岡ドーム左中間席上段へ特大HR。更に第2戦、第3戦とHRを放ちオールスター3戦連続HRの快挙を達成。 この年の中村の成績は、打率.320、46本塁打、132打点。

シックスまつり 20120708(ダイジェスト) [1080i HD 5.1]
Sound Palace POWER SLAVE STUDIO PRESENTS シックス結成15周年記念ライブ「シックスまつり ~暗黒王子ハーレム状態~」 DATE:2012年7月8日(日) PLACE:MESSE HALL(札幌市中央区南3条西3丁目11) ACT: ・Revivre ・ビードロギニョル・6(six) ・G ill bronx ・シックスシックス Official WebSite six.3geki.com 惨劇レコード 666.3geki.com

13. The Braindead Bunch (Horror Icons Top 50)
A nurse. A priest. An old mother. A baby. And a teddy-boy. Yeah, that Lionel Cosgrove has got some interesting specimens in his zombie-collection. And so Vera, Father McGruder, Nurse McTavish, Void and Selwyn from Peter Jacksons Braindead (Dead Alive) rank number 13 in the Horror Icons Top 50. 13. The Braindead Bunch (Braindead) 14. The Thing (The Thing) 15.Chop Top (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) 16. Alien (Alien) 17. The Tall Man (Phantasm) 18. Frankensteins monster (Frankenstein) 19. Jigsaw / John Kramer (Saw) 20. Norman Bates (Psycho) 21. Regan Teresa MacNeil (The Exorcist) 22. Derek (Bad Taste) 23. Romeros Zombies (The Dead Trilogy) 24. Severen (Near Dark) 25. Cropsy (The Burning) 26. Carrie White (Carrie) 27. Bill Towner (House II: The Second Story) 28. Cheryl Williams (The Evil Dead) 29. Alfredo (Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw 3) 30. The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers) 31. Dr. Herbert West (Re-Animator) 32. Captain Spaulding (Devils Rejects) 33. The Cenobites (Hellraiser series) 34. Pamela Voorhees (Friday the 13th) 35. Orlok (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) 36. The Judge (The Frighteners) 37. Bruce the Shark (Jaws) 38. Aylmer (Brain Damage) 39. The Killer (Haute Tension) 40. Grand High Witch (The Witches) 41. Critters (Critters) 42. Capt. Rhodes (Day of the Dead) 43. Candyman (Candyman) 44. Sadako/ Samara (Ring) 45. Buffalo Bill/ Jame Gumb (Silence of the Lambs) 46. The Raft Monster (Creepshow 2) 47. Pumpkinhead (Pumpkinhead) 48. Leprechaun (Leprechaun) 49. The ...