2011 復興祈願土浦花火大会「花火づくし」高画質フルHD
80万人の観衆を魅了した。第80回土浦全国花火競技大会は、東日本大震災の復興祈願と慰霊の花火として打ち上げられました。2011土浦全国花火競技大会 大会提供「花火づくし」。「土浦花火づくし」は、土浦花火大会のメインプログラムです。2011土浦全国花火競技大会の大会提供花火づくしは、音楽に合わせて打ち上げられるワイドスターマイン、ミュージックスターマインです。 ☆ 3D版 2011 土浦全国花火競技大会「花火づくし」 www.youtube.com ☆ 土浦花火2010年 土浦全国花火競技大会「花火づくし」高画質HD版www.youtube.com The wide starmines -the grandeur of Tsuchiura fireworks- 80th TSUCHIURA ALL JAPAN FIREWORKS COMPETITION 1st October 2011(Sat.) 18:00~20:30 At Sakuragawa riverside (Gakuen-ohashi area) JR Joban line Tsuchiura station Chairman of Tsuchiura All Japan Fireworks Competition Mayor of Tsuchiura City Mr. Kiyoshi Nakagawa First of all, we offer our heartfelt condolences to everyone affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. We sincerely wish for the fastest possible recovery in all regions involved. Welcome to Tsuchiura for the 80th Tsuchiura All Japan Fireworks Competition! I would like to give my warm welcome to all spectators here today. In 1925(T.14) the deceased Reverend Mr. Baiho Akimoto, a Buddhism priest of the Jinryuji temple started the first competition using his own money in order to save the business people from the recession during that time and also for a memorial service for the Kasumigaura Naval Air Force members died in the war. After that, the deceased Mr. Giichi Kitajima, a ...

Olive - I'm Not In Love (Music Video)
The music video to Olive's final single 10cc's 'I'm Not In Love'.

Part 4 - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe (Chs 16-18)
Part 4. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by John Greenman. Playlist for Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe: www.youtube.com Uncle Tom's Cabin free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Uncle Tom's Cabin free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Uncle Tom's Cabin at Wikipedia: goo.gl View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com