Emanon - What you live for (lyrics)

Emanon - What you live for (lyrics)

Album : "Anon and on" So many brothers caught up in the game of life man Trying to get cash they clash like the titan Keeping secrets in the left from the right hand Eventually leading to bleeding shooting and fighting All because of the material hype and They out in a flash to get what they can like lightning Some get struck by the thunder of a gun clap When envious enemies conspire to come jack Always on attack they take it cause they want that But lose life when revenge seeks payback It aint worth the trouble just for the skrill Id rather bust a verse and make papers off of my skill Hard earned honest days work better I feel Doing something thats legitimate that wont get me killed I mean, I aint ashamed of saying it I live for much more than the game of life and playing it Do you know Do you know what youre here for Do you know Do you know what youre here for If you know If you know you live for then let me know Is it the money the money, no!is it the dough, no! Why not, because it all comes and goes So many ladys feeling less than feminine All because they believing what the medias telling them Buying up all the beauty corporations be selling them Caught up in categorizing by levels of melanin Im sick of it, beauty is much more than skin deep Its in the way you walk, think, talk, and speak Beware the television its a tool for conditioning Read between the lines of the crafty sales pitching and Feel free to act or be however you want to be Dont always try to duplicate ...
RT @Hacotan_: 滝実法相は現時点では検察官僚にとってあまり有難い存在ではない。彼は今期限りで引退を表明している。政治生命を気にする必要はないのでやんす。ただ彼は自治(内務)官僚出身。検察と同じ穴のムジナでもある。

RT @ja_tpp: 外務省は、モンゴルとのEPA締結のための第1回交渉会合を4日~7日に開く。自由化の対象分野など今後の交渉の進め方を中心に議論。日本農業新聞

いえぇーーす。。 RT @emanon_uk: @linsbar 美味しいですよね♪イベント缶も可愛いですよね。

RT @Eric_Hoffer_bot: 27.独立の個人は、慢性的に不安定な存在である。人生の荒海で、船を水平に保つ自信や自尊心は、極度に傷つきやすい。日々新たな自信を生むよう努力しなければならない。今日の成功は、明日への挑戦にすぎない。その位置がいかによくとも、そこに停滞すれば、彼はつきまとう恐怖のえじきになる。

I want to do a collegiate team after emanon but there's no teams close to oxnard. -__- fucking shit.

RT @hirakawah: あと「コミュニケーションなんてのは女子供の仕事」と考えるオッサンたちの価値観も。RT @c_daisoujyo: @gmax_jp @emanon_uk @hirakawah 反核運動や反戦運動が「母性」を前面に押し立てた運動を展開させて来た事へのカウンターと言う意味合いもあるの

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