SAM-1617 HD-SDI camara bullet con IR Panasonic CMOS 2.2 Megapixels
Pruebas Domo Interior con IR SAM-1617 conectado a DVR HD-SDI SAM-1594 Mas informacion: www.bydemes.com

Age of Empires 2 The Conquerors: Online Epic Battle, 3v3 Black Forest Good Players 4
Like, Comment and Subscribe for more Age of Empires 2 Videos! Don't understand how to play online: www.youtube.com I'm entirely convinced that Guile's theme does in fact go with everything. Ilumiknight: Vikings Koray: Mayans Arretstop: Koreans TonyMontana: Mongols Rossiya: Franks Run_Baby_Run: Britons Never underestimate the power of catching a skilled player off guard. Special thanks my good friend Generalshort666, who was playing as [KGB]Kossiya (red). Make sure to go subscribe to him. www.youtube.com

Cold Cave - "Life Magazine"
Cold Cave's video for "Life Magazine" off of their album "Love Comes Close". Buy from iTunes: www.itunes.com/coldcave/lovecomesclose Buy from Amazon: www.amazon.com Buy from Matador: www.matadorrecords.com Director: Focus Creeps Editor: Matt Egan Producer: Stacy Paris Actress: Marti Domination Thanks to: Anthony Mathile, Christelle de Castro, Katherine Pickard, Albert Herter