誰も知らない - "Nobody Knows" (SPOILER!)
Akira and his three sisters are abandoned by their mother in Tokyo. They ought to survive on their own. In this part, Akira and his friend bury little Yuki in a suitcase, after she dies of dehidratation. it's a very sad moment and, if you haven't seen the movie yet, you have readed too much already :-) (I warned you!) . I am uploading this because the song is thrilling and it's not included in the OST. Enjoy.
Steel Angel Kurumi Sub Español 01 1/2
Resubido Capitulo 01 De Estas Serie Que Anteriormente Habia Subido Con Mi Cuenta "LetMeBeSomeOne"
火魅子伝 ~恋解~ エンディング
1999年3月11日に博報堂から発売されたゲームのエンディングエンディング曲は「忘れないで」[Wasurenaide] 歌[vocal]:伊万里(水谷優子[Mizutani Yuko]) 志野(平松晶子[Hiramatsu Akiko]) 星華(高田由美[Takada Yumi]) 藤那(田中敦子[Tanaka Atsuko]) 香蘭(氷上恭子[Hikami Kyoko]) 只深(小桜エツ子[Kozakura Etsuko]) 姫島日魅子(音宮つばさ[Otomiya Tsubasa]) 作詞[words]:舞阪洸[Maisaka Kou] 作曲[music]:林哲司[Hayashi tetsuji] 編曲[arrange]:白川雅[Shirakawa Tadashi]