【Disgusting?】 Do you want to try this? 外国人は白子をどう思う?

【Disgusting?】 Do you want to try this? 外国人は白子をどう思う?

This is the one of our traditonal foods. It's not anything beans.It also has nothing to do with Hannibal Lecter...lol It's called ''shirako'' . It's milt or soft roe from cod. Yep it's related to fish. NOT BRAIN. It tastes creamy seafood. Today's customer ''BonjourGlow'' did not order this food. I'm just trying to make fun of her order this time :) I hope you all enjoy this video. But I'll admit if you give thumbs down this video. I totally understand it LOL Ingredients I used : : Shirako (has nothing to do with Hannibal Lecter ) : Shiso leaves : Spring onion (chopped) : Daikon radish (grated) : Ponzu soy sauce : Salt * You don't need any bacon strips. Today's customer at RUNNY's www.youtube.com Music by Purple Planet www.purple-planet.com TAM MUSIC FACTORY www.tam-music.com My Blog runnyrunny999.blogspot.com FaceBook www.facebook.com Google+ plus.google.com Thanks - runnyrunny999

@bros_inc 「セブン」とか「羊たちの沈黙」は大好きです





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