Cartier, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré

Cartier, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré

In a townhouse rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, a wealthy industrial family is celebrating the engagement of their only son. His fiancée seems lost in the middle of this splendor she has rarely experienced ....a moment, a doubt... But that's overlooking the deep love the young man has for her.
i jus gotta shake dis off

Yea take to ass to bed ! RT @Kip_Cartier: @EatMy_PhatLemon still take yo ass tp bed!. Lol. .

@Kip_Cartier I hear yu foo

@BUBAFLOCKAFLAME @Kip_Cartier who da hell is yu ?

RT @BUBAFLOCKAFLAME: Yea take to ass to bed ! RT @Kip_Cartier: @EatMy_PhatLemon still take yo ass tp bed!. Lol. .

I know that woman's walk from anywhere

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