受験の神様のエンディングバージョンです。フルバージョンをきってつなげただけなので、違和感があるかもしれないです。 ※以前゛FURUHATAtypeR゛が投稿していたものと同じです。

SHAKE『残酷な天使のテーゼ』~SHOW UP FINAL at ODAIBA 2011『1部』~
SHOW UP FINAL at ODAIBA 2011、1部で歌ったSHAKE『残酷な天使のテーゼ 』です。 テレビ東京ミュージック公認アニメソングカバー。 大人気アニメ『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』主題歌、「残酷な天使のテーゼ」 テレビ東京系「シロウト名鑑」エンディングテーマ(2011年9月)

Alexis Korner & Steve Marriott - Get off of my cloud 1975
Alexis Korner & Steve Marriott - Get off of my cloud 1975 Original by The Rolling Stones (1965) (Instrumental) Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around Don't hang around (Instrumental) The telephone is ringing I say, "Hi, it's me. Who is it there on the line?" A voice says, "Hey man, how are you Well, I guess I'm doin' fine" And then he says, "It's three am in the morning. Don't you people ever wanna go to bed? Just 'cause you feel so good, do you have To drive me out of my head?" Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around Don't hang around (Instrumental) Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Hey! You! Get off of my cloud Don't hang around Don't hang around