It Bites Calling all the Heroes

It Bites Calling all the Heroes

Whistle Test appearance 1986
@TheMarkedKnight You can't have all you want.. You might just need to come and take it.. *bites lip backing off*

It's Twisted Tuesday & we are "living large" with our Large Bites Combo. What flavor do you prefer - Salty or Sweet Cinnamon Sugar?

@trainer_elisa sucks on your lips and bites it and shoves my dick inside your ass and lifts your leg on my shoulder

@TomGiles3 no but a swan tried to attack me once, they're scary :( if i ever get a pet one i'll make sure it bites me so i can see :p

A dog always shows it's teeth before it bites , in other words , don't trust a bitch that smiles to your face .

Even if it isn't "5 stars on 4 wheels" like the tag line purports, they have something called Mac & Cheese Bites which I'm sure ill love.

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