第12屆漫畫博覽會畑健二郎老師簽名會於22:12 (共8小時又38分) 圓滿結束!

第12屆漫畫博覽會畑健二郎老師簽名會於22:12 (共8小時又38分) 圓滿結束!

《旋風管家!》作者,漫畫家‧畑健二郎老師,應邀於第12屆漫畫博覽會第四日(2011-08-14)舉辦簽名會,但進度遠較預期落後:原訂四小時簽完一百人次(含插圖),結果只簽好約六成。由於世貿中心一館展覽區於18:00 關閉,畑老師與粉絲們移至展覽區外的休息室繼續。大概是有意補償餓著肚子等待的粉絲們,畑老師有愈畫愈華麗的趨勢,最後竟畫到22:12 (開始時間為13:34)才結束!本影片記錄畑老師在為最後一位粉絲簽完後走出休息室向粉絲們致意的經過。 Kenjirō Hata, mangaka of Hayate the Combat Butler!, was invited to 12th Comic Exhibition (Taipei) to give an autograph session for 100 lucky fans. However, only ~60 autographs (along with a manga character specified by the fan) had been finished in 4 hours, thus Hata-sensei and his fans had to move to a break room outside the exhibition area of Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC), which had to be closed down at 6 PM. Probably trying to compensate his loyal, waiting fans, sketches that comes along with his autographs had become more and more elaborate. He finally finished all 100 autographs at 10:12 PM, 8 hours and 38 minutes after he had begun the autograph session, and this video recorded how he finished the last autograph and fared well to his fans.
細々とでもやっていると、人間こんな所まで来れたりはするのだなぁとしみじみ思います。(ハヤテのごとく! by畑健二郎)


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