iPad 2 Unboxing!

iPad 2 Unboxing!

iPad 2 Unboxing For all your tech news: www.technobuffalo.com The Apple iPad 2 is officially here, and we wouldn't be TechnoBuffalo if we didn't unbox it for you. What's in the box? Does it feel as light as it should? Is it as incredibly thin as we've been led to believe? Lets find out. We've gone with a white 32GB Verizon 3G model for this year, and it's going to be interesting to see how quickly the white starts to show dirt over time. Has Apple taken dirty hands into account in the coating, or is our lovely new iPad going to quickly turn black? We'll be doing a lot of coverage of the iPad 2 in the coming weeks with tests of speed of the processor, how its cellular service holds up a lot more. Did you pick up an iPad 2 today? What do you think so far?
iPad2 Poor Memory i had to search the net to remember i was planning to buy an #iPad2 today. #Poor #Memory

僕はiPad miniは要らないかな。凡人の僕がiPadを何台も所持したところで持ち腐れに。iPhone5の大きさが至高。フリック機能素晴らしい。ちなみに我が家のiPad2は家族のネット検索機として活躍中。そして食事の時はFaceTimeを使い、東京の実家の父と食卓を囲んで団欒。

@abenz3776 iPad2あるから十分です(w

You have a 2012 Lexus, iPhone5, iPad2, Michael Kors bags and watches, a huge house but you get food stamps. What?

@aripwow @kandrika @tiazt oalah kene sing nganggo ipad2 we biasa lo #edan #nyeburlautwae

Ohh and I won an ipad2

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