20th Century Masters: Millennium Collection
このCDを薦める理由ってのは簡単 「I’ll keep On Holding On」この1曲が入ってる。 それだけ。 有名じゃない曲なんだか、modernsをやってた人間ならこの曲をUK60sの「Action」がカヴァーしてる事で知ってると思う。 どっちがカッコいいかって言い切ってしまうと、やはりこっちなのだ。 「郵便屋さんの唄」なんかどこかにすっ飛んでいくくらいの”Cool!”な曲だったりして。 星が4つなのは、やはり割高感が強いかなぁ。。。
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Let’s England―A Foreign Correspondent Comes Home
Reverse Culture Shock: you've lived abroad for years and finally you return "home".
But! They are all speaking a language you don't understand! They are obsessed with TV programs, politicians, shopping and sports stars you've only vaguely heard of.
Where is "home".
Foreign correspondent Colin Joyce, who spent years in Japan and New York, writes about coming home to the UK.
He lets his mind wander nicely though: from thoughts about tea and beer, through football and onto George Orwell and cricket. It's a personal mix, and good for it.
I've lived abroad now for 17 years too and I remember my befuddlement as friends on a Xmas-visit back gathered round to watch a noisy comedy show called Absolutely Fabulous....
It's a book for ex-pats and anyone who is interested in the minutae of British life.
Best read with a nice cuppa and a slice of cake.