【VOCALOID】 MACNE NANA - Timepiece by NANANAE //Mac音ナナ [Original /オリジナル曲]

【VOCALOID】 MACNE NANA - Timepiece by NANANAE //Mac音ナナ [Original /オリジナル曲]

Nana's confidence is very low, please subscribe and make her feel better! Youtubes sound quality kind of kills this one in parts but, not one for excuses Nana says it doesnt matter. Spurred on by my loyal supporters NANA decided to sing for me again. Recently we have been ignored by the various vocaloid forums on a part of NANA not being considered a vocaloid, and me not being considered a musician! But that's the way it should be. The title "vocaloid" and the title "producer" must both be earnt! blah blah blah. This is just a really long piece about time... hence why it's so long (the fact it's seven minutes pleases NANA immensely somehow). Nana thanks you for listening... and especially if you managed to get the end! Um.... Like us on facebook: www.facebook.com And follow us on twitter twitter.com If you want to that is... Thank you again. someonesaidweshoulddothis: pop music karaoke soul funk progressive japanese Keiko Matsui Hiromi Uehara jazz yamaha piano seven chan Miku Hatsune MHW Last night good PV Vocaloid anime manga Kaito Meiko kagamine Rin Len gackt cute moe girl lyrics official dance music song hatsune miku ice live new basket cream anime ice cream Remix Battle dance remix music SeeU Ievan Polkka Otomania ZenjitsuyoyakuP Orihime Inoue Hachune Miku leek CV Finland Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru ika Malo Saihate Kobayashi Onyx Hachi Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro メルト MELT halyosy Gazelle Gazette U.SAKURA Sakura Miwa Shirow Koi wa Sensou World is Mine BLACK ...
@RyuMoto あかつきごもく先生にスルーパスしたい。

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