The Ragdoll Cat - Animal Attractions TV

The Ragdoll Cat - Animal Attractions TV

One of the friendliest feline breeds, the rag doll cat is super friendly and craves human contact. The rag doll gets its name from its tendency to go limp as a bag of rags when picked up. Similar to a rabbit's fur, rag dolls have soft hair that is very plush. A common myth of the rag doll's ability to go limp is from the first rag doll mom who got hit by a car and suffered severe nerve damage. Rag doll cats are lovers not fighters!
@wsearunner OMG. Ok, I'm sorry. #allbetternow

Discovered the ex has looked at my LinkedIn profile several times recently. That's just...odd. #idontputanythingnewonthere

@PapiJAC I'm glad I saw you for 2.5 seconds today. You gonna be at OP tomorrow?

@jasminedarling Well, that's the only place that tells me who's looking. Maybe he looks at FB, too. I have no idea. Damn. Now I wonder. #ew

@morsbol jajajaja prueba ragdoll blaster Wers!

@pgerhard Actually--yes, I really did like Avengers. Hulk treating Loki like a ragdoll cracked me up. 3lb 3D glasses sucked, tho.

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