明我以德"Brighten Me with Virtues" (Live by Kay Tse & Alfred Hui at HKU100)

明我以德"Brighten Me with Virtues" (Live by Kay Tse & Alfred Hui at HKU100)

明我以德Brighten Me with Virtues 香港大學百周年校慶歌(Live at HKU100 The Centenary Gala Dinner 18-12-2011) 曲:許冠傑(1971 社會科學學院-心理) 詞:林夕(1984 文學院-中文) 編:周博賢(1994 法律) 主唱:謝安琪(2005 文學院-美國研究)、許廷鏗(2012 牙醫) 路前人踏過用見識為我點燈學養光照了靈魂學會致知格物懷疑發問時代在變未變的是我的根世紀耕作百年人在這裡磨利眼光敞開我心明我以德明我以堅貞的勇敢承繼了知識作護蔭維護我思考的足印無論長夜再深持續發光發熱廣大學識彰顯我校訓*風大浪急不改我校訓道由人自創用我心覓我的真以見識建設前程用智慧擁抱自由和責任明辨事理像聖火滅了再生世界演進靠傳人上世紀傳下世紀鑑古創今Brighten Me with Virtues The Road, made by those who walked before us, kindles a flame with insight, Knowledge enlightening our souls, With a spirit of exploration we seek after wisdom. Seasons change, but our heritage remains. This journey of a hundred years has nurtured us, Sharpened our vision and broadened our horizon. Brighten us with virtues; Brighten us with the clarity and perseverance of courage. Let wisdom be our shield, Guard our intellect as we tread the path, Even through the darkest night our spirit remains ablaze, Abounding in truth - this is our motto. Standing fast against the wind and storm - this is our motto. We blaze a trail, following our hearts, pursuing truth; Seeking insight, we build the future. With wisdom, we embrace freedom and commitment, Discerning right from wrong, like the holy fire, burning ever brighter when challenged. The world advances, a heritage ...
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