Iron Savior - paradies

Iron Savior - paradies

made in russia
my tumblr savior breaks the day the iron man 3 trailer comes out. the universe hates me.

@rosa_negra666 本当はIron SaviorとかThe Storytellerあたりも回収したかったです

and related to that: if you haven't already, add iron man 3 to tumblr savior if you follow me and don't want to see that

Atención al Xmas Metal Fest en Valencia el 14 y 15 de Diciembre con Ñu, Iron Savior, Elvenking, Astral Doors, Lonewolf y más...

Lately I been like the chicks who say they iron low. Umma sleep the whole weekend and dont have 2 go 2 work til Tuesday. :)

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